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All about you...

As an attuned individual, you are probably all too familiar with your nagging inner critic-  you know the one- the voice that constantly tells you that you have done something or said something wrong, reminds you that you didn't do enough, or informs you that you will never measure up to Suzie down the street.  It keeps you up at night sometimes with incessant worries about the future.  Self-blame, shame, guilt, and doubt are always swimming around in your mind.  This can be incredibly painful and make life more difficult than it already is.  Unfortunately in our society, we are taught to avoid uncomfortable feelings and disregard our natural responses.  In so doing we actually create a perfect storm of symptoms that dysregulate our mind (hello anxiety and depression!) and our body systems (hello headaches and chronic pain!).

What therapy can do for you...

Therapy can help you cultivate a new relationship with yourself that sparks freedom from all the things keeping you stuck- despair, fear, failure, shame, and guilt.  With this you will feel lighter, have more energy, get better sleep, experience less pain/tension/headaches, have thriving relationships with others and with yourself, and above all feel joy again!


How we will do it... 

I utilize effective treatment modalities that fit your unique situation based on your personal preferences and specific needs - no one size fits all approach.  We will work through your patterns of thinking, emotions, and behaviors and I’ll help you learn effective strategies on how to make positive change in your life.  People who complete this process often come out with a new perspective on life, have more energy, and experience more joy.  Not only will you feel a sense of control, you may even feel like you found yourself again.




